Family Archive of Ragnar Granit's publications
A6. Electrophysiology of retina and nerve II
Ragnar Granit and Alarik Munsterhjelm: The electrical responses of dark-adapted frogs' eyes to monochromatic stimuli. J Physiol. 1937 Jan 18; 88(4): 436–458.
Ragnar Granit and Carl Magnus Wrede: The electrical responses of light-adapted frogs' eyes to monochromatic stimuli. J Physiol. (London), 1937 Apr 9;89(3):239-256.
Ragnar Granit and Per-Olof Therman: Excitation and inhibition in the off-effect of the retina. J Physiol. 1937 Nov 26;91(2):127-39.
Ragnar Granit, Tyler Holmberg and Moses Zewi: On the mode of action of visual purple on the rod cell. J Physiol. (London), 1938 Dec 14;94(3):430-40.
Ragnar Granit, Alarik Munsterhjelm and Moses Zewi: The relation between concentration of visual purple and retinal sensitivity to light during dark adaptation. J Physiol. 1939 Jun 14;96(1):31-44.
Ragnar Granit and Per-Olof Therman: The "slow potentials" associated with excitation and inhibition in the excised eye. J Physiol 1938; 93(Suppl): pp. 9P-11P.